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Table 2 Characteristics of 203 children examined at 3 months of age†

From: Lower birth weight and increased body fat at school age in children prenatally exposed to modern pesticides: a prospective study






(n = 13)

Pesticide exposed

(n = 77)


(n = 22)

Pesticide exposed

(n = 91)

Age (months)

3.0(2.4; 4.0)

3.1(2.3; 4.4)

3.1(2.3; 3.8)

3.1(2.3; 4.5)

Weight (g) at 3 months

6230(5160; 7240)

5910 (5050; 7150)

6810 (5490; 7790)

6640 (5510; 7980)

Weight gain from birth to 3 months

2480(1780; 3240)

2400(1400; 4120)

2930(2300; 4180)

2990(1870; 4800)

Length at 3 months (cm)

60.9(57.6; 64.5)

60.2(57.5; 63.8)


61.9(58.2; 66.2)

BMI at 3 months (kg/m2)

16.3(15.1; 19.5)

16.3(14.2; 18.7)

17.4(14.9; 20.7)

17.2(15.6; 20.0)

BMI Z-score at 3 months (SD)

-0.01(-0.75; 2.02)

-0.02(-1.35; 1.52)

0.38(-1.07; 2.29)

0.27(-0.64; 1.89)

Δ BMI Z-score since birth

-0.67(-2.03; 0.98)

-0.14(-2.29; 3.35)

0.24(-1.37; 1.52)

-0.06(-1.64; 2.58)

  1. †Values are presented as n (%) (categorical variables) and median (5; 95 percentiles) (continuous variables)
  2. No significant differences between exposed and unexposed (boys and girls together or separately) tested with Mann-Whitney U-test.