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Table 2 Studies of PM oxidative potential and cardiorespiratory morbidity

From: PM2.5, oxidant defence and cardiorespiratory health: a review


Design and location


Ambient exposure


Main Findings/effect Estimates

Tonne et al. 2012 (33)a

Prospective Cohort, London, United Kingdom (2002–2004)

2347 Adults Mean Age: 61 years

Predicted weekly average PM10 and PM10 Oxidative Potential (PM10*OP) at the center of each participants’ postal code of residence using a geostatistical spatial-temporal model

Carotid Intima-Media Thickness

Change Per 1.5/m3 PM10*OP 1.2% (95% CI: 0.2, 2.2)

Strak et al. 2012 (34)b

Panel Study (Repeated Measures) Utrecht, Netherlands

31 Adults Mean Age: 22 years

5-hour exposure to PM10 oxidative potential at five different locations


Effect estimates for FENO ranged from −0.45% to 0.11% per 38.71 change in PM10*OP depending on the co-pollutant included in the model


Effect estimate for FVC ranged from −0.01% to 0.05% per 38.71 change in PM10*OP depending on the co-pollutant included in the model

  1. a Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, BMI, season, and year. b Adjusted for temperature, relative humidity, season, pollen counts, respiratory infection, and co-pollutants. c FENO, Exhaled NO; FVC, forced vital capacity.