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Table 3 Association of hourly peak CO exposure with hourly SBP and DBP

From: Ambulatory monitoring demonstrates an acute association between cookstove-related carbon monoxide and blood pressure in a Ghanaian cohort


SBP (mmHg)

DBP (mmHg)

Coefficient for Peak COa [95% CI]

4.3 [1.1, 7.4]

4.5 [1.9, 7.2]

  1. aThe coefficient is the estimated fixed-effect difference in BP associated with peak hourly CO exposure (defined as the 90th percentile of a two-hour moving average of CO, or 4.1 ppm) versus all other CO exposure, adjusted for self-reported awake hours and for the 2-h peri-waking “morning” period. Model is a multilevel linear regression model with a random intercept for each 24-h monitoring session. Estimates incorporate an autoregressive (AR1) correlation structure. n = 20 CO and BP monitoring sessions among 19 women