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Fig. 3 | Environmental Health

Fig. 3

From: Wildfire smoke exposure and early childhood respiratory health: a study of prescription claims data

Fig. 3

Hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals for the relationship of average weekly wildfire smoke-days and first use of prescription outcome (i.e., 'Upper Respiratory', 'Lower Respiratory' or 'Systemic Anti-Inflammatory' prescription), in each averaging period at the 25% exposure threshold, for all children (green square), and within strata of male children (purple diamonds) and female children (orange circle). The Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for birth season, birth year, infant sex and included a random intercept for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA); infant sex covariate was omitted in infant sex-stratified models. rx = prescribed medication claim; T1-T3 refer to the first-third trimesters; P1 and P2 refer to the first and second 12-week post-natal period; “25% exposure threshold” refers to population-weighted percentage of zip codes, here 25%, within an MSA required to experience a smoke-day, in order to assign a smoke-day to the MSA

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