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Table 2 BBRAIN repository neuropsychological tests by cognitive domain

From: Cognitive decrements in 1991 Gulf War veterans: associations with Gulf War illness and neurotoxicant exposures in the Boston Biorepository, Recruitment, and Integrative Network (BBRAIN) cohorts

Neuropsychological Test



I. Attention/Processing Speed

 Conner’s Continuous Performance Test Third Edition (CPT3) [23]

Target letter embedded in series of distractors; to assess sustained attention and reaction time

Reaction Time (seconds)

Total Omission Errors (T score)

Commission Errors (T score)

 D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test [21]:

 Trial 1

 Trial 2

Trials 1 and 2 measure processing speed of verbal (words) and nonverbal (colors) stimuli via a timed response

Total time (seconds)

Self-corrected errors (number of errors)

Uncorrected errors (number of errors)

 Trail Making Test [22]: Trails A

Timed connect-a-dot task to assess attention and motor control requiring number sequencing

Time to Completion (seconds)

II. Verbal Memory

 California Verbal Learning Test: Second Edition [20]

List of 16 nouns from 4 categories presented over multiple learning trials with recall after interference; assesses memory and learning strategies

Learning Trials 1–5 (number correct)

Short Delay Recall (number correct)

Long Delay Recall (number correct)

III. Executive Functioning

 Trail-making Test [22]: Trails B

Timed connect-a-dot task to assess alternating sequences of letters and numbers

Time to Completion (seconds)

 D-KEFS Color-Word Interference [21] Test:

 Trial 3

 Trial 4

Trials 3 and 4 measure inhibition and inhibition switching

Total time (seconds)

Self-corrected errors (number of errors)

Uncorrected errors (number of errors)