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Table 1 Elevated lung cancer mortality risk in intermediate and high exposure groups in original unpublished study†

From: Selected science: an industry campaign to undermine an OSHA hexavalent chromium standard

Mean Exposure to Cr(VI)*


95% CI

Low (< 1.2 u g/m3)



Intermediate (1.2 – <5.8 u g/m3)


1.5 – 16.0

High (≥ 5.8 u g/m3)


6.2 – 65.4

  1. †Adapted from Table 17 in: Final report: Collaborative cohort mortality study of four chromate production facilities, 1958–1998 [53].
  2. *Mean Exposure to Cr(VI) derived by dividing cumulative urinary chromium exposure by 0.77 (conversion factor for air concentration), and then dividing by 45 years (OSHA's working life assumption); see text for details.
  3. **Odds Ratio