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Table 2 Examples of German HBM-I and HBM-II values for environmental pollutants

From: Translating biomonitoring data into risk management and policy implementation options for a European Network on Human Biomonitoring


Target population



Lead in blood

Females (18–45) and children < 12

100 μg/L

150 μg/L


Females > 45 and males 18 – 69

150 μg/L

250 μg/L

Mercury in blood

Adults (18–69)

5 μg/L

15 μg/L

Cadmium in urine

Adults (18–25)

1 μg/g creatinine

3 μg/g creatinine


Adults (26–69)

2 μg/g creatinine

5 μg/g creatinine

  1. The Commission on Human Biological Monitoring of the German Federal Environmental Agency established in 1993 recommends two different HBM values: HBM I, the concentration of an environmental toxin in a human biological material below which there is no risk for adverse health effects, and HBM II, the concentration above which there is an increased risk for adverse health effects in susceptible individuals of the general population