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Table 1 Search Terms Applied in the Systematic Review

From: A systematic review of US state environmental legislation and regulation with regards to the prevention of neurodevelopmental disabilities and asthma


Search Terms (Lexis-Nexis Unless Otherwise Noted)


Heading "pesticide" AND "Integrated Pest Management" OR "integrated w/ pest w/ management"

Heading "pesticide" OR "pest" AND (full-text) "schools" or "daycare"

"pesticide" AND "notification" OR "notice" OR "notify"

"pesticide" in heading AND "exposure" AND "occupational" OR "worker" OR "employee"


"mercury" AND "emissions"

"mercury" AND "incinerate" OR "incineration" OR "dispose" OR "disposal"

"mercury" AND "thermometers" OR "devices" OR "esophageal dilators, bougie tubes, gastrointestinal tubes" OR "blood pressure" OR "sphygmomanometers"

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

"Polychlorinated Biphenyl" OR "PCBs" AND "waste" OR "disposal" OR "dispose"




"Arsenic" AND "water"

"Copper Chromium Arsenate" AND "wood"

"Pressure Treated Wood" AND "Arsenic"

"Wood" AND "Arsenic"

"Arsenic" AND "playground"

"Arsenic" AND "maximum contaminant level"


Heading "Lead" AND "screening"

Heading "Lead" AND "report" OR "reporting" OR "tracking"

Heading "Lead" AND "tax credit" OR "loan"

Heading "Lead" AND "prevent" OR "prevention" OR "education" OR "educate"

Heading "Lead" AND "paint"

Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Search terms from American Lung Association's State Legislated Actions on Tobacco Issues (SLATI) Database at

State Regulatory Agency websites

Healthy Homes and Schools: Mold, Volatile Organic Compounds, and other Indoor Air Pollution

"indoor air quality"

"Volatile Organic Compounds"

California Air Resources Board search for consumer products

"mold" AND "indoor" OR "home"

"green cleaning" OR "environmentally-sensitive cleaning" OR ("green" AND "cleaning" OR "clean" OR "supplies")

Secondary Source for Executive Orders:

DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency) "Energy Standards for Public Buildings for Energy Efficiency"

Diesel Exhaust

"School bus" AND "emissions"

Secondary Sources: Environmental Protection Agency, "Compilation of State, County, and Local Anti-Idling Regulations," April 2006, and Union of Concerned

Scientists "School Bus Pollution Report Card 2006,"


Search Terms (Lexis-Nexis Unless Otherwise Noted)

Criteria Air Pollutants and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards

USEPA Green Book

Volatile Organic Compounds

"Volatile Organic Compounds"

State Environmental Regulatory Agency regulation searches of states in the Ozone Transport Commission (Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia)