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Table 1 Results of K-function analyses of space-time clustering for cases of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in north-east England during the period 1990-2007a,b

From: Space-time clustering analyses of type 1 diabetes in children from north-east England: support for an infectious aetiology?


Geographical distancec

NN thresholdd

All case pairs

P = 0.240

P = 0.089

Case pairs aged 0-4 years only

P = 0.343

P = 0.541

Case pairs aged 5-9 years only

P = 0.112

P = 0.187

Case pairs aged 10-14 years only

P = 0.318

P = 0.478

"Male: any" case pairs

P = 0.453

P = 0.190

"Female: any" case pairs

P = 0.182

P = 0.017

"More densely populated: any" case pairs

P = 0.211

P = 0.044

"Less densely populated: any" case pairs

P = 0.350

P = 0.226

  1. aCases are temporally close if dates of diagnosis differ by <t where t varies from 0.1 year to 1.5 years in steps of 0.1 year;
  2. bP-value obtained by simulation (999 runs) with dates of diagnosis randomly re-allocated to the cases in the analysis;
  3. cCases are spatially close if locations at diagnosis differ by <s where s varies from 0.5 km to 7.5 km in steps of 0.5 km;
  4. dCases are spatially close if either is within the distance to the Nth NN of the other where N varies from 14 to 28 in steps of 1.