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Table 2 Analyses of temporal clustering of neuroblastic tumours at ages 0–24 years in the NRYPMDRa

From: Temporal clustering of neuroblastic tumours in children and young adults from Northern England


\( \widehat{\upbeta} \)b (SE)c


one-sided P-value d

Type of analysis

Within months

Within quarters

Within years

Within full study period

Between fortnightse

0.846 (0.310)

0.501 (0.108)

0.201 (0.051)

0.168 (0.044)


P = 0.004

P < 0.001

P < 0.001

P < 0.001

Between months


0.495 (0.165)

0.221 (0.073)

0.154 (0.062)


P = 0.002

P = 0.002

P = 0.008

Between quarters


0.201 (0.140)

0.020 (0.107)


P = 0.087

P = 0.39

Between years


−0.299 (0.216)


P = 0.92

  1. a)Based on cases diagnosed during 1968–2011 inclusive
  2. b)\( \widehat{\upbeta} \) is the one-step estimate of β, the extra-Poisson variation, calculated as S/i(0) in the notation of Muirhead [42]
  3. c)SE is the standard error of \( \widehat{\upbeta} \) in the absence of extra-Poisson variation, calculated as 1/√i(0) in the notation of Muirhead [42]
  4. d)P-values have been calculated using 10000 simulations, assuming Poisson variation. All P-values are one-sided
  5. e)Cases with a diagnosis date of the 15th of the month have been excluded from the analyses between fortnights but have been included in the other analyses