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Table 1 Demographics of sample population (n = 168 participants)

From: Low level air pollution and exacerbation of existing copd: a case crossover analysis

Age (mean years, SD)

70.1 (9.78)

Female, % (n)

60.1 (101)

Race, % (n)



97 % (163)


1.2 % (2)


1.8 % (3)

Disease Severity, % (n)a



1.8 % (3)


23 % (38)


50 % (82)

 Very Servere

18 % (30)

 Normal FEV1/FVC with COPD symptoms

7.1 % (12)

 Inadequate spirometry (missing)

1.8 % (3)

Doctor diagnosed asthma, % (n)

43 % (73)

Smoking Status, % (n)


 Current smoker

19 % (30)

 Ex smoker

81 % (131)

 Never smoked

4.2 % (7)

Pack Years (mean, SD)

52 (30.89)

  1. aDisease severity based on GOLD classification