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Table 1 Posterior medians and 95% credible intervals (in brackets) for the estimated relationship between each pollutant and aggregation metric and respiratory hospitalisation

From: Quantifying the impact of current and future concentrations of air pollutants on respiratory disease risk in England


mean s .mean t

mean s .max t

max s .mean t

max s .max t


1.016 (1.008, 1.028)

1.014 (1.009, 1.011)

1.009 (1.000, 1.016)

1.011 (1.004, 1.016)


0.985 (0.973, 0.995)

0.992 (0.980, 1.002)

0.986 (0.974, 0.997)

0.998 (0.986, 1.008)


1.008 (0.999, 1.020)

1.004 (0.994, 1.012)

1.006 (0.994, 1.022)

1.005 (0.993, 1.014)


1.008 (0.997, 1.024)

1.006 (0.996, 1.013)

1.010 (0.999, 1.020)

1.004 (0.997, 1.014)


1.000 (0.995, 1.004)

0.999 (0.995, 1.005)

0.999 (0.994, 1.004)

0.999 (0.995, 1.005)

  1. Results are presented as relative risks for a 1 standard deviation increase in each pollutants value (measured in μ gm −3) which are (in the order of the aggregation metrics below): NO2 (9.56, 13.63, 9.6, 13.51), O3 (13.55, 15.8, 13.79, 15.97), PM10 (5.1, 7.47, 5.17, 7.52), PM2.5 (4.22, 6.05, 4.22, 6.06), SO2 (1.38, 3.48, 1.77, 3.83)