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Fig. 5 | Environmental Health

Fig. 5

From: Assessment of the potential respiratory hazard of volcanic ash from future Icelandic eruptions: a study of archived basaltic to rhyolitic ash samples

Fig. 5

Transmission electron microscope analysis of respirable material in select volcanic ash samples. TEM data of fiber-like particles in Hekla-4 (a) and Laki-SnVII (b-d) with corresponding selected area diffraction patterns and chemical (EDS) analyses (middle and right columns of panels, respectively): (a) completely amorphous fiber dominated by oxygen, silicon, aluminum, potassium, calcium and iron; (b) completely amorphous fiber consisting of predominantly silicon and oxygen with lesser amounts of aluminum, iron and calcium; (c) semi-crystalline fiber consisting of carbon, sodium and oxygen; (d) well-crystalline fiber predominantly comprised of silicon and oxygen with calcium, iron and magnesium, and lesser amounts of titanium

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