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Fig. 2 | Environmental Health

Fig. 2

From: Association of low-level blood lead with serum uric acid in U.S. adolescents: a cross-sectional study

Fig. 2

Subgroup analyses of the effect of LnBLL on SUA. Abbreviations: BLL, blood lead levels; SUA, serum uric acid; BMI, body mass index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; CI, confidence interval. Adjusted for sex, age, race, education status and physical activity; BMI, SBP, DBP, blood cadmium, serum cotinine, hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, eGFR, blood urea nitrogen, C-reactive protein, calcium intake, total monounsaturated fatty acids intake, total polyunsaturated fatty acids intake, total saturated fatty acids intake, total fat intake and total protein intake, if not be stratified

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