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Table 2 Levels of endotoxin and allergens in house dust overall and by cluster

From: Endotoxin clustering with allergens in house dust and asthma outcomes in a U.S. national study

  1. Abbreviations: GM Geometric mean; SD Standard Deviation
  2. Cluster 1: Low concentration of endotoxin and low dust allergens. Cluster 2: High endotoxin clustering with pet allergens (Cat and Dog) and Alternaria. Cluster 3: High endotoxin clustering with Aspergillus, Dust Mites, Mouse and Rat, and Cockroach Allergens,
  3. Blue shading indicates endotoxin or allergen concentration significantly lower than the population average. Orange shading indicates endotoxin or allergen concentration significantly higher than the population average. P-value for significance < 0.05