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Table 1 Description of neuropsychological test battery

From: Reduced neurobehavioral functioning in agricultural workers and rural inhabitants exposed to pesticides in northern Chile and its association with blood biomarkers inhibition


Neuropsychological test


Normal cut-off score

General mental status


Estimate the severity and progression of cognitive impairment

>24 Rs


Logical memory I and II (WMS III)

Short and long-term narrative memory assessed with recognition task

≥7 Rs

Digits span forward

Auditory short-term memory

≥5 Rs

ROCF memory

Visual memory

≥16 Rs

1036 A-B and A-B recall

Brief assessment of short-term and long-term visual memory

>20 Rs; >6 recall Rs


WAIS subtest vocabulary

Semantic knowledge and verbal concept formation

≥32 Rs


WAIS digits span backward

Assess attention span

≥4 Rs

d2 test

Evaluate the ability of selective and sustained attention

≥Pc 15

Stroop word-colour and inhibitory control tests

Evaluate the ability of divided attention and resistance to interference

>35 Rs; ≥-10 Rs

Trail making test A

Evaluate sustained visual attention, sequencing, mental flexibility, visual tracking, and graph motor skills

≥30 ts

WAIS symbols

Processing speed

>9 Rs

Constructive Praxis

ROCF copy

Visual-constructional ability

>26 Rs

WAIS subtest block design

Evaluate the ability of visuospatial organization

≥28 Rs

Executive Functions

Tower of London movements and time resolution tests

Assess the ability of executive planning

≥2 Rs; <31 Rs

WCST perseverative errors

Assess the capacity of executive function, especially mental flexibility

>40 Rs

Barcelona test categorical evocation animals and words

Assess the accessibility and evocation of lexical and semantic store

≥15 Rs; ≥23 Rs


Purdue pegboard test (4 subtest)

Manual dexterity and bimanual coordination


MOART reaction time (2 subtest)

Go/No Go reaction paradigm

≤180 ms

MOART finger tapping test (2 subtest)

Motor speed and lateralized coordination

≤50 right hand; ≤45 left hand

Mood Status

BDI-II depression inventory

Measure severity of depression

≤18 Rs

Hamilton anxiety scale

Determine the presence of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders

≤14 Rs

  1. Rs raw score, ts t-score, Pc percentile, ms milliseconds