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Table 4 Adjusted associations between PM10–2.5 and cardiovascular disease markers for SWAN cohort, 1999–2004a

From: Association between coarse particulate matter and inflammatory and hemostatic markers in a cohort of midlife women




Factor VIIc




4.1 (−0.1, 8.6)*

−0.1 (−1.0, 0.8)

−0.1 (−1.2, 1.1)

0.4 (− 1.4, 2.3)

5.5 (1.8, 9.4)***

BMI < 25

5.4 (−3.1, 14.5)

Did not converge

0.6 (− 1.5, 2.7)

2.9 (− 1, 7.0)

9.2 (1.4, 17.7)**

BMI ≥ 25

4.5 (− 0.3, 9.5)*

− 0.02 (− 1.1, 1.1)

− 0.8 (−2.2, 0.7)

−1.3 (− 3.3, 0.8)

3.3 (− 0.9, 7.6)


1.8 (−4.4, 8.4)

− 0.1 (− 1.4, 1.3)

− 1.4 (− 2.9, 0.2)*

0.05 (− 2.4, 2.5)

7.5 (2.2, 13.2)***


3.6 (−2.8, 10.5)

−0.02 (− 1.1, 1.1)

0.1 (− 1.9, 2.2)

0.3 (− 2.8, 3.6)

1.4 (−4.5, 7.7)

≤ High school

5.8 (−2.7, 15)

1.2 (− 0.7, 3.2)

−2.4 (− 4.7, − 0.1)**

0.9 (− 2.6, 4.5)

7.6 (0.6, 15.1)**

Some college or more

3.8 (−1.1, 8.9)

− 0.9 (− 1.9, 0.2)

0.05 (− 1.3, 1.4)

0.3 (−1.8, 2.5)

1.1 (− 3.2, 5.6)

Low alcohol consumption

8.8 (2.7, 15.3)***

0.6 (− 0.7, 1.8)

−1.4 (− 3.0, 0.2)*

1.3 (− 1.2, 3.9)

7.5 (2.3, 13.0)***

Medium/high alcohol


−0.2 (− 6.1, 6.0)

−1.2 (− 2.5, 0.2)*

0.5 (− 1.2, 2.2)

− 0.9 (− 3.6, 1.8)

3.9 (−1.4, 9.5)

  1. aResults shown are as percent change in biomarker level per an interquartile increase in exposure, which is 4 μg/m3 for PM10–2.5. Analyses were based on log-transformed biomarker levels, *adjusted for study site, age (continuous), race/ethnicity, education, menopausal status, BMI, active smoking status, alcohol category. Stratifying variables were omitted from respective models.* p < 0.10; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01