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Table 3 Total costs of dementia cases attributable to PM2.5 using direct and indirect lifetime costs of dementia and two different valuations to monetize quality-of-life losses among dementia patients

From: Annual dementia incidence and monetary burden attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure in Sweden


Direct and indirect lifetime costs per dementia case

Total costs – 1 (TC1)a

Total costs – 2 (TC2)b

Cost per case of dementia

€213,000 (€171,000 - 256,000)

€690,000 (€645,000 - 730,000)

€312,000 (€269,000 - 355,000)

Monetary burden (M/€2019) of dementia cases attributable to PM2.5

€189 (€94 – 283)

€567 (€283 – 850)

€274 (€123 – 406)

  1. a TC1Total costs - sum of direct and indirect lifetime costs (discount rate 3.5%) and monetary valuation of QALY’s lost among dementia patients using QALY-1 value, representing societal perspective
  2. b TC2 Total costs - sum of direct and indirect lifetime costs (discount rate 3.5%) and monetary valuation of QALY’s lost among dementia patients using QALY-2 value, representing health care perspective