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Table 1 Description of Chemicals in Our Bodies analytic sample analyzing per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers and maternal and newborn telomere length

From: Mixture effects of prenatal exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and polybrominated diphenyl ethers on maternal and newborn telomere length


Newborn Subsample (N = 292)

Maternal Subsample (N = 110)

Matched Maternal–Fetal Unit Pairs Subsample (N = 76)

N (%) or Mean (SD)

N (%) or Mean (SD)

N (%) or Mean (SD)

Maternal Age at Enrollment, years

 Mean (SD)

34 (5.0)

33 (5.4)

34 (5.1)

Gestational age at delivery

 Mean (SD)

39 (1.7)

39 (1.5)

39 (1.7)

Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2)

 Mean (SD)

25 (5.1)

26 (5.6)

25 (5.2)

Maternal Education

 Less than High School

25 (9%)

14 (13%)

4 (5%)

 High School Degree or Some College

59 (20%)

24 (22%)

11 (14%)

 College Degree

81 (28%)

34 (31%)

28 (37%)

 Graduate Degree

127 (43%)

38 (35%)

33 (43%)

Maternal Race/Ethnicity

 Non-Hispanic White

126 (43%)

46 (42%)

40 (53%)

 Non-Hispanic Black

10 (3%)

4 (4%)

2 (3%)

 Asian/Pacific Islander

62 (21%)

16 (15%)

14 (18%)


85 (29%)

39 (35%)

17 (22%)


9 (3%)

5 (5%)

3 (4%)


 No Prior Births

162 (55%)

52 (47%)

40 (53%)

 One or More Prior Births

130 (45%)

58 (53%)

36 (47%)

  1. Abbreviations: SD Standard deviation
  2. Note: There are 326 pregnant participants, of which there are 76 matched maternal–fetal unit pairs