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Table 4 Difference in birth weight associated with prenatal PM2.5 exposures among the ECLS-B study population, crude and adjusted models

From: Both parents matter: a national-scale analysis of parental race/ethnicity, disparities in prenatal PM2.5 exposures and related impacts on birth outcomes



Model 5

Model 6

Model 7

Model 8

(No race)

(Maternal race only)

(Paternal race and age only)

(Maternal and paternal race)


Birth Weight (grams)

Birth Weight (grams)

Birth Weight (grams)

Birth Weight (grams)

Birth Weight (grams)

β Estimate (95% CI)

β Estimate (95% CI)

β Estimate (95% CI)

β Estimate (95% CI)

β Estimate (95% CI)


  Trimester 1

0.7 (-3.3—4.6)

0.4 (-3.5, 4.3)

0.8 (-3.2, 4.9)

0.5 (-3.5, 4.5)

0.8 (-3.2, 4.8)

  Trimester 2

-1.1 (-5.2, 3.0)

-1.0 (-4.8, 2.9)

-0.1 (-3.8, 3.6)

-0.6 (-4.4, 3.1)

-0.04 (-3.8, 3.7)

  Trimester 3

-2.4 (-5.8, 1.1)

-1.9 (-5.2, 1.5)

-0.7 (-4.0, 2.6)

-1.2 (-4.5, 2.2)

-0.7 (-4.0, 2.6)

  Whole Pregnancy

-2.1 (-6.1, 2.0)

-2.0 (-6.01, 2.07)

-0.7 (-4.6, 3.1)

-1.2 (-5.2, 2.7)

-0.7 (-4.6, 3.1)

  1. All analyses conducted with sample weights. Models adjusted for covariates that were statistically significant < 0.05 in the non-pollutant models from Table 3: gender, parity, adequacy of prenatal care, gestation, maternal age, smoking and poverty