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Table 1 Outcome of Risk of Bias (RoB) analysis for PCBs 77, 118, 126, 132, 149, 153, 169 and 180

From: Systematic review of associations of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure with declining semen quality in support of the derivation of reference doses for mixture risk assessments

  1. Shown is the scoring for each Risk of Bias (RoB) element for the selected animal studies. Questions in red represent key element, questions in dark blue are the remaining elements. The studies were rated as follows: definitely low risk of bias, DLR, in dark green; probably low risk of bias, PLR, in light green; probably high risk of bias, PHR, in yellow; definitely high risk of bias, DHR, in red. The RoB Tier assigned to each study is shown at the bottom. More information on the elements of the RoB is provided in the systematic review protocol [24].