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Table 3 PCE risk-specific dose calculation using WHO/IPCS workflow. The POD is 4.3ppm (Echeverria et al., 1995)

From: Application of probabilistic methods to address variability and uncertainty in estimating risks for non-cancer health effects


Median (P50)a

Spread (P95/P50)a







Human Variability d

I=1%: 9.7

I=0.1%: 20.42

I=1%: 4.3

I=0.1%: 6.99

HD.051% (I=1%)e

4.3/(10*0.33*9.7) = 0.13 ppm

10[(log3)2+(log4.7)2+(log4.3)2]1/2= 10.98

HD.051% (I=1%)e

(1-in-100, 95% conf)

0.13/ 10.98 = 0.01 ppm

HD.050.1% (I=0.1%)e

4.3/(10*0.33*20.42)= 0.06 ppm

10[(log3)2 + (log4.7) 2 + (log6.99) 2]1/2= 15.14

HD.050.1% (I-0.1%)e

(1-in-1000, 95% conf)

0.06/15.14 = 0.004ppm

  1. aP50=50th percentile of distribution; P95=95th percentile of distribution
  2. bLOAEL-to-NOAEL extrapolation factor used by USEPA (IRIS, 2012)
  3. cWHO/IPCS, 2017 Table 4.1 extrapolation from NOAEL for BMR of 5% magnitude
  4. dWHO/IPCS, 2017 Table 4.5
  5. eWHO/IPCS, 2017 Fig. 3.5c Approximate probabilistic analysis
  6. POD Point of Departure, BMD Benchmark Dose, HD Human Dose, IPCS International Programme on Chemical Safety, LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level, NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level, PCE Perchloroethylene, ppm Parts per Million, WHO World Health Organization