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Table 1 Demographic and respiratory health characteristics of the study population (N = 576)

From: Occupation, smoking, and chronic obstructive respiratory disorders: a cross sectional study in an industrial area of Catalonia, Spain




Total number

280 (100%)

296 (100%)

Age 20 to 44 years

135 (48.2%)

145 (49.0%)

Age 45 to 70 years

145 (51.8%)

151 (51.0%)

Current smokers

145 (51.8%)

62 (20.9%)


76 (27.1%)

31 (10.5%)

Never smokers

59 (21.1%)

203 (68.6%)

Chronic cough*

69 (24.6%)

24 (8.1%)

Chronic phlegm*

59 (21.1%)

10 (3.4%)

Wheezing during the last year

127 (45.4%)

93 (31.4%)

Wheezing apart from cold

92 (32.9%)

38 (12.8%)

Persistent wheezing†

32 (11.4%)

18 (6.1%)

Standing height (m)▫

1.70 (0.08)

1.57 (0.07)

FEV1 (L)▫

3.50 (0.88)

2.65 (0.59)

FEV1 to FVC ratio (%)▫

75.5 (9.2)

79.1 (6.5)

MMEF (L/s)▫

3.29 (1.46)

2.81 (0.95)

FEV1 <80% of predicted▫

42 (16.7%)

21 (8.5%)

FEV1 to FVC ratio <70%▫

49 (19.5%)

24 (9.8%)

FEV1<80% of predicted and FEV1/FVC<70%▫

26 (10.4%)

10 (4.1%)

  1. ‡Number (%) or mean (standard deviation) are given
  2. ▫Number of subjects with lung function data: 497 (251 men and 246 women)
  3. * Most of the days at least three months a year during two consecutive years
  4. † Wheezing most of the days or night