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Table 1 Typology of uncertainty

From: Dealing with uncertainties in environmental burden of disease assessment

Uncertainty characterizations


Location: the location at which the uncertainty manifests itself in the assessment

Model structure: Structure and form of the relationships between the variables that describe the system


Parameters: Constants in functions that define the relationships between variables (such as relative risks or severity weights)


Input data: Input data sets (such as concentrations, demographic data, and incidence data)

Nature: the underlying cause of the uncertainty

Epistemic: resulting from incomplete knowledge



Process variability: resulting from natural and social variability in the system


Normative uncertainty: resulting from a plurality of socio-ethico-normative considerations within a society

Range: expression of the uncertainty

Statistical (range + chance): specified probabilities and specified outcomes


Scenario (range + "what if"): specified outcomes, but unspecified probabilities

Recognized ignorance: unknown outcomes, unknown probabilities – uncertainties are present, but no useful estimate can be given

Methodological unreliability: Methodological quality of all different elements of the assessment; a qualitative judgment of the assessment process which can based on e.g. its theoretical foundation, empirical basis, reproducibility and acceptance within the peer community

Value diversity among analysts: Potential value-ladenness of assumptions which inevitably involve – to some degree – arbitrary judgments by the analysts.