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Table 1 Percent change (95 % CI) in risk of emergency room visits for myocardial infarction associated with Lag-0 PM2.5 across strata of glutathione-related oxidative potential (OPGSH) and combined redox-weighted oxidant capacity of NO2 and O3 (Ox wt)

From: Ambient PM2.5 and risk of emergency room visits for myocardial infarction: impact of regional PM2.5 oxidative potential: a case-crossover study

Percentile of 3-day mean Ox wt

Percentile of Regional OPGSH






−2.0 (−5.0, 1.0)

0.57 (−4.0, 5.0)

2.9 (−1.2, 7.2)

6.0 (0.0, 13)


1.5 (−0.6, 3.6)

5.5 (3.0, 8.0)

6.4 (2.0, 11)

10 (7.5, 13)


1.5 (−1.3, 4.4)

5.7 (2.5, 9.1)

6.7 (1.8, 12)

13 (6.8, 19)


1.4 (−4.6, 7.8)

9.0 (3.5, 15)

9.2 (0.46, 19)

29 (26, 33)

  1. Risk estimates reflect a 5 μg/m3 change in PM2.5. All models are adjusted for 3-day mean ambient temperature and relative humidity (cubic splines)