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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of the participants (n = 32)

From: Respiratory outcomes of ultrafine particulate matter (UFPM) as a surrogate measure of near-roadway exposures among bicyclists


Number (%), SDa

Sex- n (%)


24 (75%)


8 (25%)

Race/ethnicity - n (%)


29 (91%)


2 (6%)

 Not specified

1 (3%)

Age- Mean (range)

45.1 (23–68), SDa: 12.5

Height (cm) -Mean (range)

175.0 (155.0–196.0), SD: 9.0

Weight (kg) -Mean (range)

75.3 (51.3–108.9), SD: 11.7

BMIb- Mean (range)

24.5 (20.1–29.8), SD: 2.4

Distance for cycling (km)- Mean (range)

22.2 (16.0–32.0), SD: 3.1

Former smokers - n (%)

4.0 (13%)

Ever diagnosed as asthma- n (%)

4.0 (13%)

Ever diagnosed for allergies- n (%)

17.0 (53%)

  1. a SD Standard deviation
  2. b BMI Body weight (kilograms) divided by the square of the body height (meters)