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Table 1 Patient demographics, healthcare utilization, and environmental exposures for migraine cases and controls from Sutter Health in Northern California, 2014–2018

From: Air pollution, methane super-emitters, and oil and gas wells in Northern California: the relationship with migraine headache prevalence and exacerbation


Migraine cases

N = 89,575


N = 270,564

Patient Demographics

 Age Category, N (%)

  18–29 years

16,952 (18.9)

51,112 (18.9)

  30–44 years

33,036 (36.9)

99,792 (36.9)

  45–54 years

19,226 (21.5)

58,169 (21.5)

  55–64 years

12,578 (14.0)

38,093 (14.1)

   ≥ 65 years

7783 (8.7)

23,399 (8.7)

 Sex, N (%)


73,908 (82.5)

223,230 (82.5)


15,667 (17.5)

47,334 (17.5)

 Race/Ethnicity, N (%)



9278 (10.4)

52,794 (19.9)


3685 (4.1)

10,253 (3.8)


52,579 (58.7)

130,418 (48.2)


11,351 (12.7)

41,907 (15.5)


12,682 (14.2)

34,192 (12.6)

 Marital Status, N (%)


7444 (8.3)

18,881 (7.0)

  Married/Significant Other

51,390 (57.4)

155,644 (57.5)


22,659 (25.3)

63,801 (23.6)


8082 (9.0)

32,238 (11.9)

 Body Mass Index Category (kg/m3), N (%)

  Underweight (< 18.5)

1672 (1.9)

5636 (2.0)

  Normal (18.5–24.9)

33,801 (37.7)

112,014 (41.4)

  Overweight (25–29.9)

26,969 (30.1)

79,209 (29.3)

  Obese Class 1 (30–34.9)

14,595 (16.3)

39,405 (14.6)

  Obese Class 2 (35–39.9)

6835 (7.6)

17,388 (6.4)

  Obese Class 3 (40+)

4614 (5.2)

11,658 (4.3)


1089 (1.2)

5254 (1.9)

 Block Group-Level Variables, Median (IQR)

  Percent Poverty

7.2 (3.5, 14.3)

6.6 (3.2, 13.1)

  Population Density (individuals per km2)

2211 (901, 3593)

2292 (954, 3592)

 Medicaid Beneficiary, N (%)


6929 (7.7)

15,105 (5.6)


82,646 (92.3)

255,459 (94.4)

Healthcare Utilization

 Encounters per person-year

  Primary care, Median (IQR)

2.4 (1.4, 4.0)

1.9 (1.2, 3.1)

  Neurology, Mean (SD)

1.2 (3.4)

0.2 (1.0)

  Urgent Care (Migraine-Specific), Mean (SD)

0.2 (2.7)


  Emergency (Migraine-Specific), N (%)

0.1 (0.7)


    ≥ 1 visit during the study period

3987 (4.5)


    < 1 visit during the study period

85,588 (95.5)


Triptan prescriptions per person-year, mean (SD)

0.6 (2.6)


 MPA Score – N (%)

66.6 (31.5)


   11 - 100

59,599 (66.5)


   > 100

29,976 (33.5)


Environmental Exposures

 Air Pollutants, Median (IQR)

  NO2, ppb

7.7 (5.7, 10.2)

8.1 (5.9, 10.4)

  PM2.5, μg/m3

8.7 (7.8, 9.6)

8.9 (7.8, 9.7)

 CH4 Emissions

  Any super-emitter within 10 km, N (%)

18,457 (20.6)

57,224 (21.1)

  Total IDW emissions in kg/hour, Mean (SD)

21,461 (192,973)

26,070 (180,548)

 Active Oil and Gas wells

  Any oil or gas well within 10 km, N (%)

13,179 (14.7)

37,010 (13.7)

  Total IDW wells, Mean (SD)

604 (6468)

603 (6459)

  1. IDW Inverse-distance weighted; IQR Interquartile range; MPA Migraine probability algorithma Frequency-matched on age category, sex, year of entry into Sutter primary care, and primary-care follow-up time (0–6 months, 7–24 months, ≥ 24 months)