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Table 5 Adjusted regression coefficients (95% confidence interval), from linear mixed models, including exam time specific associations

From: Maternal methylmercury exposure through rice ingestion and child neurodevelopment in the first three years: a prospective cohort study in rural China


Time Specific Associations

All observationsa (n = 454)

12 months (n = 264)

36 months (n = 190)

Interaction term p-value


Log2 Hair THg (β)

−1.3 (−2.6, −0.14)*

− 1.7 (−3.1, − 0.26)*

−0.77 (− 2.5, 1.0)



Log2 Hair THg (β)

−1.2 (− 2.6, 0.14)

−1.2 (− 2.9, 0.43)

−1.2 (− 3.5, 1.0)


  1. *p < 0.05, p-values are for the Beta coefficients
  2. MDI Mental Developmental Index, PDI Psychomotor Developmental Index, THg total mercury
  3. Note: All estimates are from models that were adjusted for maternal age (years), maternal fish consumption (0 servings/weekly, 0 < servings/weekly< 2 servings/weekly, or ≥ 2 servings/weekly), maternal rice consumption (<daily, or ≥ daily), maternal serum zinc (μg/L), log2 maternal blood lead (μg/dL), log2 maternal energy intake (kcal), pre-pregnancy body mass index (underweight, normal weight, or overweight/obese), maternal education completed (<high school, high school, or some university), child sex, birth weight-for-gestational age (z-score), child’s primary caregiver (3 categories: mother, father, or grandparent), the difference in child’s age between the targeted age and actual age at testing (months), a categorical variable for exam time (12 or 36 months), and the interaction between THg and exam time
  4. aThis model does not include the interaction of THg with exam time