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Table 3 Selection process and final equation (ABS) of the most relevant keywords in health-oriented strategy, PubMed®

From: Risk and asset-based strategies in health: priorities in biomedical, life and environmental science literature since the early twentieth century. A rapid review

  1. “Adaptation, Psychological”[Mesh] OR “Resilience, Psychological”[Mesh] OR resilien*[Title] OR "health asset"[Title] OR "health assets"[Title] OR salutogen*[Title] OR empower*[Title] OR “positive mental health”[Title] OR “social participation”[Title] OR “action competence”[Title] OR “hardiness”[Title] OR “connectedness”[Title] OR “inner strength”[Title] OR “learned optimism”[Title] OR “self-efficacy”[Title] OR flourishing[Title] OR thriving[Title] OR “well-being”[Title] OR “wellbeing”[Title] OR “wellness”[Title] OR “social capital”[Title] OR “learned resourcefulness”[Title] OR “social support”[Title]