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Table 2 Assessed exposures, showing mean ± SD or N (%)

From: Modification of the PM2.5- and extreme heat-mortality relationships by historical redlining: a case-crossover study in thirteen U.S. states


All included individuals (n = 8,884,733)

Individuals from historically-redlined areas (n = 189,687)

Temperature (°C)

 On the day of the death

15.63 (9.89)

13.74 (9.88)

 5-day moving average (lags 0–4)

15,59 (9.63)

13.69 (9.59)

Vapor pressure (kPa)

 On the day of the death

1.30 (0.81)

1.15 (0.71)

 5-day moving average (lags 0–4)

1.30 (0.77)

1.15 (0.69)

Ambient PM2.5 (µg m−3)

 On the day of the death

9.61 (5.72)

10.95 (6.38)

 5-day moving average (lags 0–6)

9.59 (4.51)

10.91 (4.67)

Extreme heat (> 90th percentile of TMIN)

850,275 (9.57%)

18,426 (9.71%)

 1st day in heat wave

277,404 (32.63%)

5,978 (32.44%)

 2nd day in heat wave

181,331 (21.33%)

3,898 (21.15%)

 3rd day in heat wave

117,652 (13.84%)

2,554 (13.86%)

 4th day in heat wave

77,771 (9.15%)

1,657 (8.99%)