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Table 6 Odds ratios for blood metal concentrations in relation to catch-up growth failure

From: Association between maternal blood or cord blood metal concentrations and catch-up growth in children born small for gestational age: an analysis by the Japan environment and children’s study



Height SDS < −2 at 2 years of age

Height SDS < −2 at 3 years of age

Height SDS < −2 at 4 years of age


OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

N = 278


0.87 (0.35, 2.18)

1.03 (0.38, 2.82)

0.88 (0.29, 2.71)



1.50 (0.72, 3.11)

1.49 (0.67, 3.32)

1.19 (0.52, 2.74)



1.00 (0.13, 7.64)

0.87 (0.10, 7.88)

0.65 (0.06, 7.12)



0.81 (0.49, 1.37)

0.88 (0.50, 1.54)

0.81 (0.44, 1.47)



1.74 (0.81, 3.74)

2.35 (1.02, 5.43)

2.60 (1.06, 6.40)

  1. Note: Models were adjusted for maternal age, prepregnancy body mass index, alcohol consumption and smoking status, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus, income, and education
  2. Log2-transformed metal concentrations were used for the models
  3. Cd: Cadmium; Hg: Mercury; Mn: Manganese; Pb: Lead; Se: Selenium; CI: Confidence interval; OR: Odds ratio; SGA: Small for gestational age; SDS: Standard deviation score