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Table 3 Summary table of associations between single chemical or mixtures and ADHD/noncompliance subscale and two subdomain scores among all children and children with ASD

From: Early childhood exposure to environmental phenols and parabens, phthalates, organophosphate pesticides, and trace elements in association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in the CHARGE study


Chemical class

All (n = 549)

ASD (n = 225)

Each chemical a

Mixture b

Mixture b


noncompliance subscale



DHB34 (−)

Triclosan (−)


Phthalate metabolites


∑DEHP (+)

MHPP (+)

∑DEHP (+)

MHPP (+)

MNBP (+)

Total mixture


DHB34 (+)

BUPB (+)


∑DEHP (+)

MBZP (+)

MHPP (+)

MNBP (+)

Cd (+)

Hyperactivity/impulsivity subdomain



DHB34 (−)


Phthalate metabolites

∑DEHP (+)

∑DEHP (+)

MHPP (+)

MNBP (+)

∑DEHP (+)

MHPP (+)

MBZP (+)

MNBP (+)

Total mixture


DHB34 (+)

∑DEHP (+)

MBZP (+)

MHPP (+)

MNBP (+)

Cd (+)

Inattention subdomain



Triclosan (−)


Phthalate metabolites


MHPP (+)

MIBP (+)

MNBP (+)

  1. Full chemical names are listed in Table S2
  2. ADHD Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ASD Autism spectrum disorder, CR Count ratio, FDR False discovery rate
  3. aAssociations with significant associations are presented. Item in bold indicates significance even after FDR correction. (+) represents increased CR and (−) represents decreased CR
  4. bPossible contributors of mixtures that have significant associations with outcomes are presented. (+) represents increased CR and (−) represents decreased CR