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Table 3 Associations between OH-PAH mixtures and asthma at age 8-9 years determined by logistic weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression models in which the direction of association is constrained to be positive (suggestive of adverse effects) or negative (suggestive of protective effects). The OH-PAH weights describe the proportional contribution of each metabolite to the WQS Index

From: Prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and asthma at age 8–9 years in a multi-site longitudinal study

  1. Minimally adjusted models were adjusted for child age at assessment, child sex, study site, and urinary specific gravity. Fully adjusted models were additionally adjusted additionally adjusted for the interaction between SG and cohort, maternal age, education at enrollment, race, and ethnicity; season of birth; inflation-adjusted household income interacted with household size, neighborhood deprivation index, prenatal ETS exposure, postnatal ETS exposure, maternal history of asthma, and firstborn status